
“You see I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me.” - Francis Scott Fitzgerald

I was very eager to show you the results from my recent 1920s inspired theme shooting, since I absolutely love how they turned out. After such a long period of accomplishing only to take ordinary photos, this finally feels like making progress in photography again.

These concept was pretty much inspired by the work amazing Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The new cinematic adaption of The Great Gatsby was such a huge success, I really loved all the beautiful images, especially the ones from the scene with the curtains. I was also very fond of gorgeous Carey Mulligan's appearance as Daisy Buchanan, since she came quite close to embodying Daisy as I imagined her when I read the novel. However, if you ask me, the film doesn't do justice to the book, as it adopts too many Hollywood clichés for my taste.

Oh well and here I am, almost writing a film review when I just intended to show off some photos, so I'll just shut up and do what I meant to.






for the times, they are a changing.




Well well well, it seems I have been absent from this blog for quite a long time, I was pretty busy living and successfully finishing school and soon, there are going to be so many changes in my life. I'm going to move to Vienna and start attending university this fall, which I am quite excited about. However, I'll do my best and try to post at least once a week, since this is some sort of documentation and I really like the thought of capturing all those changes. As well, this gives me the opportunity to take more pictures and improve my photography.

So here are some photos of what I wore yesterday, in the process of taking them, I was bitten by what felt like a hundred mosquitos.